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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sydney seminar

Hi guys this weekend i had a good time in Sydney i had a good seminar at Nova União Sydney..Thanks Rodney and all guys there was good knew new friends and i hope to back there soon.
NU Forever Ossssssss!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Não desista nunca, Deus está contigo

"Sempre há muitos desafios, surpresas, tristezas e alegrias...

A vida é feita assim, às vezes nos deparamos com situações que nos afligem, nos fazem sentir medo e até mesmo chorar,

mas saiba que a cada momento da vida, cada lágrima caída, cada sorriso dado, está tudo anotado no diário de Deus.

E pode ter certeza que nem um segundo Ele esqueceu de anotar, anotou suas lutas, seus choros, mas com um detalhe,

Ele não esqueceu de anotar o dia de sua vitória!

Não desista de teus projetos e sonhos porque antes mesmo deles serem projetados por você, já foi projetado

e anotado por DEUS!"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

BJJ Heroes

Hi guys now I'm on the website BJJ Heroes. In this website you have a great opportunity to know about great names in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to work!!!

Hi guys, this is the first time I am writing a blog!
I am so happy because this week I started training after 6 weeks due to my injury at the 2010 Worlds. I still wanted to fight, even though I was injured, because I was prepared physically and mentally and had such good training with Bruno Bastos in Texas, and Gustavo Dantas in Arizona. But this is now in the past and I am ready to move on and get in shape for next year!
I am now teaching in a big school in Melbourne, Australia-Extreme Jiu Jitsu and Grappling. I want to do well here and give my best to all the students here. I hope to prepare and condition the guys here to do well in future competitions.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Marcelino Freitas moves to Australia

From GracieMag:

There were a lot of Jiu-Jitsu aficionados scratching their heads when the name Marcelino Freitas didn’t appear in the later stages of the 2010 World Championship featherweight dispute. The black belt confirmed the top-tier status he has long held among insiders and pulled his name out of international obscurity when he won the New York Open and fought on even terms with four-time world champion Rubens Charles “Cobrinha” in the Pan-American Jiu-Jitsu Championship final earlier this year....

Full Article

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brazilian champion teaches 7 positions

From GracieMag:

Nova União featherweight Marcelino Freitas confirmed his reputation for having slick Jiu-Jitsu at the 2008 Brazilian Nationals, beating Bruno Frazatto in the black belt adult final.

Full Article

Marcelino Freitas comenta sua atuação no Pan-Americano de Jiu-Jitsu

From Arena1:

Atleta da Nova União comenta sobre a dificuldade para lutar nos campeonatos internacionais ...

Full Article